The digit.ALL platform to report sexist hate speech is online

Access and become an active member of our community, by reporting hate episodes targeting women and girls and spread through the main social networks and websites.

The objective of the project digit.ALL is to prevent and counter the violence against women and girls, with particular attention to the verbal violence spread through the new online media. The project promotes an idea of active and responsible citizenship among the young people. 

Starting in September 2019, the project will involve 4 high schools in Turin and Milan: the students will become Young Digital Advocates, and will bring among their peers messages of respect of the differences and gender equality, by realizing during a set of labs conducted by experts a digital campaign, to be launched at the end of the project.

Digit.ALL is sponsored by the Italian government (Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Dipartimento Parti Opportunità). It’s coordinated by the Research Centre on intercultural relations of the Catholic University of Milan, with the support of RISSC who developed the online platform and will analyse the reports collected through it. None of the reports will be made public and will be only analysed for research purposes. The results of the project will be disseminated in the next months. To get up to date, you can access the platform or contact us at the following address: