RISSC presenting at the SEREN4 workshop for practitioners. Helsinki, 5 November, SRE 2019

The Security Research NCP Network “SEREN4”, and the European LEA research and innovation networks “ILEANET” and “I-LEAD”, with the support of the European Commission are organizing the Security Research Event (SRE) 2019 workshops with practitioners.
This event is composed of 2 sessions related to the 2020 topics in Horizon2020 on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to fight against crime, cybercrime, and terrorism.
It will take place on 5 November 5 2019 afternoon, at the Helsinki Congress Paasitorni.
Each session will begin with a panel composed mainly of practitioners who are interested in the uptake of security research and innovation. Extensive exchanges with the participants in the room will follow the round-table discussions.
In this framework, RISSC will be presenting the main results of the criminological research conducted on different criminal phenomena taking place on the Surface, Deep and Dark-Web, such as drugs and arms trafficking and their inter-connections, by highlighting the operational links between the criminological research, the technological development and the enforcement action.
More information on SRE 2019 here
You can register to the event before 1 November here